Monday, March 8, 2010

SOCCER: Mommy, did you see me almost win?

Well, this past Saturday Josh had his first go at soccer. He was super giddy getting ready at home; still super giddy and anxious on the way to the soccer field; stillllll giddy when he saw his best bud; overly giddy at practice (Mommy......I got a bunch of goals!) and then the game began...he looked a lil confused about what was going on but as long as my boy was having fun, that is all that matters.

We saw several familiar faces on different fields and this made Josh happy BUTTTTTTTTTTT he jumped into my arms and said "Mommy, I'm done now. Done.". Later on he asked me if I saw him almost win (love the way he put it). And I said "Yes, sweetie...and you'll get even better the more you play. You simply have to help your team by getting the ball into the goal net that is located on the other side of where you started the game."

Josh was quiet for a lil bit and said something along the lines of how he doesn't understand how we had so many balls for practice and then they disappeared during the game. He went on to state "Mommy, wouldn't it be easier to get a goal if each of us had a ball (UM NO, it would be even more chaotic)."
Me: "No".
Josh: "We'll at least give each team a ball so they can try and hit in the net.".
Me: "Honey, there is only one GAME ball on the field during the GAME. The goal is to steal the ball from the other team so they can not make a goal and your team can make a goal."
Josh: "Eh"
Me: "Did you have fun?"
Josh: "Yes, I had fun making goals (during practice)."

The look on his face when we took him out to lunch with his grandparents was priceless. He was so incredibly happy.

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