Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Extremely Observant

My son, Josh, never ceases to amaze me.

We were watching two episodes of Scooby Doo with Batman, Robin, Joker and Penquin were in. Throughout each episode he would say something like "Mommy, why isn't Batman wearing his gloves now." I was like WHAT. He said "Rewind it." So, I rewinded the tape to find that in one frame Batman is wearing his gloves holding counterfeit money in the next frame a close-up of the counterfeit money, we see that Batman no longer has on his gloves., that was observant. Later in the episode he said "Why is there one less button on the control panel?". I said "What are you talking about?". I rewinded the video again and sure enough a button was missing.

Heck, he even noticed that my husband got a new remote for the garage door since his old one wasn't working. His old remote had 3 buttons on it and was small. The new one has 1 button on it and is the same size. Josh asked him "What happened to the other buttons on your opener?". HOLY CRAP.

Sooooooooo, when Josh acts like he doesn't know where something is, I roll my eyes in disbelief. I'm like "Where did you last put it?". "Mommy, I put it on the kitchen counter but it is no longer there.". Sure enough, I moved his toy back into the toy area and forgot where I had put it. The boy noticed something out of place and said "Help me look mommy!". We found it in the area he thought looked recently messed up.

How can he have this freakish memory yet, I am floored at the mind of an almost FOUR year old.

He can be freakish one time and then he is back to being a typical lil kid. Yes, his vocab is also impressive...a blessing and a curse.

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