Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Who is Joelle?

I find that people have some wacked ass idea of who I am and I am here to set the record straight.

I :
1. do not talk 24/7. Silence is golden to me.
2. listen as well as I ramble.
3. do swear like a drunken sailor at times and no alcohol has been introduced to the picture.
4. love laughter. It makes my heart smile to make others laugh. There is so much angst in the world that it is nice to escape for awhile.
5. am sometimes quite shy. People either mistake this for being depressed or being a snob.
6. do suffer from depression but find happiness when I look into the eyes of my boys or hear the laughter of family and friends.
7. miss my mother immensely
8. can be a very strict disciplinarian.
9. am honest when I tell people "I'll pray for you" or "Do you need help". I am not one of those wankers that say stupid shit just to look good in the eyes of others. If you need help, call me. I love my friends and will do anything for them (well, almost anything).
10. wish everyone owned a pair of rose-colored glasses.

eh, the list can go on and on and on. But the point being made is that I am not a one-sided individual that is always goofy or rambling on for hours.

In conclusion, don't act like you know someone when you have barely scratched the surface. You have no clue what they have been through to shape them into the person they are today. You have no idea what pain they may have lying in their heart that can never go away.

Ps. Huge pet peeve. Do not tell a person who is depressed "CHEER UP!" Instead ask "Do you need a hug or do you need someone a friendly ear to bend?" CHEER UP is the dumbest fucking statement ever. Do you think that the individual wants to be sad? SERIOUSLY. Some individuals may have every reason to be happy but suffer from a chemical imbalance. So before you idiotically say to someone "You have every reason to be happy.", ask yourself if you truly know this individual inside and out.

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