Saturday, February 20, 2010

Poo Explosion

My poor wee whipper doodle had quite a dandy of an explosion (I won't get into the color, consistency and smell - ew can describe it well enough). It was EVERYWHERE. Lordy, I was so upset that I recently did the dishes in the sink and had them drying in the adjoining sink. I could have moved my sweet screaming poopy child and hosed him down in the sink. Seeing that the boy currently loathes the water...the neighbors could possibly call DCFS.

Any hootie ho, it is this incident that makes me realize...I would like to give cloth diapers a try once Ben is eating solids. WHY???? Because it just seems nicer for the environment.

So now, I am on the hunt for super sweet deals for cloth diapers. My only prob is that my child is in the 92nd percentile for height/weight and I am afraid to buy anything that I will be using in 2 months. Ben will be turning 4 months on 2/27!

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