Monday, February 1, 2010


I am so sick of hearing about another child losing their life to cancer. It is not fair. I know this may sound evil but I wish they could remove the cancer entirely and put it into someone on death row.

I also hate how someone can be given a clean bill of health and then go into a diabetic coma AND THEN get out of it and have the idiotic hospital staff tell her that they will keep her over the weekend ANDDDDDDD THEN after much discomfort she tells them she is having problems breathing. Next, they take a series of x-rays and find a tumors (yes, plural). Her daughter calls the hospital and they tell her that they plan to get her mother stable so they can address the situation. When her daughter gets to the hospital she sees an x-ray in the ICU and thinks "NO NO NO NO NO, WHY DEAR GOD WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!?!?!?" without even being told that it is her mom's x-ray. She musters up the strength to be positive with her mom who is obviously scared and not ready to die. Sadly, even though the daughter is not a doctor...she knows the end is near because there is no way to attack a tumor that large. The daughter plans her mother's funeral (it was beautiful) while her mom fights. Within a week of her mom being told "You have cancer." Her beautiful mom dies. Never to meet the grandchildren she so desperately wanted. My heart has never healed from this devastating loss.

I've lost friends and family members to this awful disease and I have biopsy scars across my body. I wish a miracle could happen and there would be a magic wand to destroy cancer.

In summary, FUCK YOU CANCER!

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