Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Lil Entertainer

HA HA HA...Josh is always making me laugh...and always testing my patience. After a particularly annoying LUNCH episode in which he refused to eat, I gave up and said "fine, you're done." and took his plate away. He whined "I want my carrots and applesauce still." Fine, whatever.

So Josh decided to act like his carrots were action figures. GO FIGURE. I said "We don't play with our food Josh.". He looked at me and chewed pathetically on the carrot.

Next thing ya know, Captain Jackass is at it again with the food. I said "ENOUGH". He then said "Mommy, where is the carrot?".
Me: In your hand because you have three on your plate so the fourth one is in your hand.
Josh: You're good mommy but try this...(this is when he takes the carrot in his hand and puts his hands behind his back and then whips out both hands in front of his face in a David Copperfield flamboyant way). Now which hand is it in.
Me: Your right (and I pointed to his right hand).
Josh: Wow, you're really good at this. Have you been practicing? Okay, try this. (Once again his hands go behind his back and out again). How about now?
Me: Your left (and I pointed to his left hand).
Josh (He gets a lil frazzled): Hmmm, okay how about now?
Me: Your right.
Josh: You're wrong because I have a carrot in both hands.
Me: Um, Josh, I am not wrong since I found a carrot and you did not ask me to find carrots.
Josh: OH!!! (This is when he picks up one carrot and puts both hands behind his back and then out again). Which hand now?
Me: Right.
Josh (puts his hands behind his back and then shows an empty right hand): Wrong, try again. (He puts both hands behind his back again and then out in front again).
Me: Left.
Josh (puts his hands behind his back and then shows an empty left hand): Ahhhhh HAAAA, you are wrong. Are you wondering how the carrot disappeared?
Me: No
Josh: MOMMY!
Me: Yes, Yes I am.
Josh: Well, let me show you how it is done (this is when he was showing me how the trick was done and how I could now show all my friends).


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