Saturday, January 9, 2010


Alright. I appreciate sage advice from a seasoned veteran but when a single woman feels the need to tell me how to raise a child because she use to teach children (This is not about my beloved Jenny don't go thinkin' that I am slammin' her) and knows that a lil discipline goes a long way...I want to smack the shit out of them. Really...disciplining a child. Gee never thought of doing that. Thought that just birthing them was good enough. Heck, I just let my eldest run naked with scissors in 30 degree weather. WTF...of course I discipline him. DUMB ASSES.

When they tell me to HUSH about my eldest child being a dillrod (just a wee status message I had on FB) because I am blessed to be able to have children...I SAY "Ummmmmmm, are you NEW? Do you even know me??" SERIOUSLY people...I love my children and they provide countless hours of laughter and mayhem. Anyone who knows me even a lil bit knows that I would slay a dragon for them and feel very blessed to have them. Don't tell me to HUSH. Do I tell you to hush when you go on about how many bottle of liquor you downed the night before and how funny you think your antics were? Hell no because I think it is pathetic that you think it is super cool to drink til you are violently ill and fail to remember what you did before. Why do I think you are pathetic...because I use to do it and ya know what...It is fucking stupid. (wow, just got off the topic for a moment).

Some single people must have this candy-coated version of what parenting is. GUSH GUSH GUSH about how awesome their children are and yadda yadda. Um, yes my Josh is kick ass because he is smart and damn funny but the child suffers from a serious case of verbal diarrhea. I can't really complain about Ben because he is a wee baby (I just wish he would go down for bedtime earlier than 11 pm. I have tried people but keep in mind that he is only 2 months old).

OMG, I had some woman look at me and say "You look great for having a 10 week old baby. Don't worry, you'll lose the baby weight." Ummmm, I gained 25 lbs with Ben and already lost the weight but now the blubber has been distributed differently...all in my gut area. Why can't people shut up.

Okay, when I set out to write this post it was so nicely composed in my head but now that I am writing it, it is all over the damn place. guh. Maybe I should no longer blog.

Okay, another note...I use the letter/word "I" a lot and it annoys me. I this and I that.

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