Saturday, January 9, 2010

Florida is on a collision course with the polar ice caps

YES YES YES, it is only in the low 30s and that is considered a heat wave to my beloved Midwestern peeps. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I am in Southwest Florida (a.k.a. Satan's Ass Crevice) and do not have winter garments. Heck, I went to the store on Friday with my boys to find some wintery garb for them at discount prices because I am not about to whip out $80 for a coat that they will wear for a week. No luck. OH YEAH, on Friday it was in the upper 60s then someone forgot to close the freezer door and Saturday was a high of 39 or something (I have no clue what it actually got up to since I stayed in a heated home with my offspring).

SIDE NOTE: Thank you Keuring coffee maker for keeping me awake and keeping me warm.

What amused me today were the number of peeps saying "GLOBAL WARMING...MY ASS" on their facebook statuses. Um, I can go off on this topic but then somebody would inevitably get their granny or grampy panties in a bind and I am soooo not in the mood for a debate.

OH WAIT WAIT WAIT...there is more. So my Dad (resides in NW Indiana) left me a voicemail earlier in the week about sending me my childhood sled. MUAH HA HA, Dad made a funny. Anyhootie ho, I called him today and told him that it was crazy cold outside and he went on about how it is probably negative something or other in his hood when you factor in the windchill. No shit! I lived in Chicago for several years and know that it can say 18 but feel like -100 (okay that is an extreme exaggeration but when you are waiting for the unpredictable el train to arrive with a bunch of other corporate slaves and a cold gust of wind hits you in the swear that it was -100).

Anyway, the phone call goes from me saying "Ha ha Dad" to him going off on a tangent (yes, the disease of being tangental runs in my family) that originally was only about the weather. Next thing I know he is telling me about the energy bill possibly being passed and how awful it is because their are oodles of people out of work and losing their homes and now those people who do have some piddle ass job barely scraping by are going to be smacked in the face with insanely high utility bills and blah de friggin' blah.

All I could do was sit on the couch in silence with Ben happily feeding away on my exposed boobage. Ummmm.

So then I think he is going to stop but I find out that my grandfather (dad's dad) could have been the Ward Alderman (in Chicago) because the guy who was the Ward Alderman ran for the Senate or House of Reps (I have no clue what group he said because I flaked out...between hearing my eldest talk about the Scooby Doo episode that was on and having a boob deflated by starving lil man...I flaked) and got in and then my grandfather was told to run for Ward Alderman but my grandfather turned it down because my grandmother (who I never met...lil side note there for ya) was very ill. But allegedly he would have got the job.

SIDE NOTE: Ummmmmmmm, I can not imagine Grandpa Zemaitis being a Ward Alderman. All I could remember of him as a child was him smelling like a brewery. Later on in life we bonded over art and marketing...he was stunned we had so much in common since I am a GIRL and most of the time he barely talked to me because of this fact. This was okay since he moved to Florida in the 70s after his beloved died and he remarried a sweet Southern gal. Once again, I digress (you will notice that I will say that A LOT in posts...why???...ummmmm, because I am tangental - thinking of writing a musical about it but then it wouldn't make any sense because it would be one giant tangent that may never circle around to the main point-).

Just felt the need to say "WTF are you thinking Mother Nature?".

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