Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hunger Strike for Political Cause or Really Stubborn Child?

Reposted from FACEBOOK (Jan 6, 2009 topic)
I am wondering how you get an insanely stubborn child to simmer down and eat? When he does eat, it takes him forever since he doesn't shut up or runs around. He fidgets so much that I am about to superglue his ass to the chair.

Breanna likes this.

Tika: sounds REALLY familiar

Star: yep here too ;)

Me: Star and Tika, I have lost my patience with him. Guh.

Erin R: I have thought about tying mine to the chair during mealtimes! Ok i would never do it but it would at least keep him in one spot!

Laura G K: Uh yeah same thing here too.. sooo frustrating, really are we allowed to glue them? What about maybe using a rope?

Allison S: I have heard some people use a timer so they know to sit and eat and not mess around.....

Jill L: Our kid is just done eating if he starts playing or getting up. We take his plate away. You can tell if he is actually still hungry or not by how he reacts to that. :)

Me: We just started the... "You leave the table, you are done eating.". He is only allowed a glass of milk. He got upset with me last night when his meal disappeared from the table. Duhhh, I am not kidding about no more food.

Um, it is 2:15 and he is finally eating lunch. No doubt he will be eating an hour from now. He is now talking about Scooby Doo episodes and I just want to scream "Shut up and eat already.".

He is getting too thin and I am going to bring up his lack of food consumption (unless it is pizza) to his doc at his 4 year old appt.

I am grateful however that he is pretty good with his baby bro. Yes, he is still 3 and forgets "Gentle!!!!". He also has no voice modulation (only one volume...loud) and tends to wake up his bro. Thank God Ben can sleep through most of it.

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